
  • Li
    18 Oct '17

    Oh no what have you done

  • Kilby
    18 Oct '17

    Dragons are known for hoarding wealth, but I'm surprised that this one seems willing to accept paper money. Usually they prefer gold.

  • Erik
    18 Oct '17

    “Two Fiddy”. It was the monster!

  • Captain Biology
    Captain Biology
    18 Oct '17

    Erm, isn't that a horse, not a dragon? What with the mane, being in a field, liking apples, subtle clues like that?

  • Jack Chain
    Jack Chain
    19 Oct '17

    Damn Loch Ness Horsie! You ain't gettin' mah 20 Bucks!

  • El
    19 Oct '17

    Those eyes tho *-*

    19 Oct '17

    This is the most Pendleton Ward comic you've ever posted. I can practically hear the Adventure Time sound effects. One Pendleton was already enough - maybe even too much - for our world. For the safety of everyone involved, you must stop.

  • Tudza
    19 Oct '17

    Kilby, did a quick check to see that the seal wasn't the one for lama:

  • Karry
    19 Oct '17

    How many apples could twenty New Zealand dollars buy in Ohio USA right now?
    Twenty dollars in new Zealand converted to US dollars is currently 14.28 and according to the USDA Economics Research Service the average price of an apple retail is $1.57 as of 2013(I would link a source but I dunno if that is OK). Adjusted for inflation the average price of apples in 2017 is $1.68 so, 14.28/1.68 = 8.5 apples. Keeping in mind other variables such as price variation of stores, potential currency conversion fees, sales, agricultural, and economic factors; the horse could buy at least a half dozen apples where I live.

  • Kilby
    20 Oct '17

    I stand corrected: it's clearly a horse. The head shape and the mane threw me off, I thought the neck was flaming.

  • Franck
    21 Oct '17

    Damn that's like, almost 12 euros. What is this horse gonna do with this ? He is going to spend it on sugars, I'm sure.

  • Captain Biology
    Captain Biology
    26 Oct '17

    Could be a flaming horse, of course.