- Li29 Apr '15
STICKERS ARE IN THE STORE(not available anymore) - Commenter29 Apr '15
I can't be commenting this all the time, geeez!
Also - FIRST! - Tann of the er29 Apr '15
Then don't comment. Especially when we have a special snowflake being fist over here.
- Comments30 Apr '15
comments is closed today - Hemabelle30 Apr '15
The little smiley button in the corner of the jukebox! It's so cute!
- Lisa30 Apr '15
Actually both very insightful and funny comic at the same time! <3
- MrJaypee30 Apr '15
2 Questions:
1. Does it take stamina for Shoelace to float? Or can he float indefinitely?
2. Who lives behind that mysterious door in the wall? - Michelle30 Apr '15
Li- what do you use to draw these? Are they all drawn by hand and scanned, or created with a drawing program?
- Connor30 Apr '15
She did the mash
- sarah penguin30 Apr '15
Too true! :)
- Xeno!30 Apr '15
I love this song!
Caaaan't be a jukebox
all the tiiiiiiime Gs - Maggie30 Apr '15
Poor jukebox, never gets a rest from her job.
- Daisy Infinity1 May '15
Okay, sorry jukebox- I mean- Um...
- sar1 Oct '15
wtf happened to the grammar.