- Li13 Apr '11
So thicks.
- Shim13 Apr '11
I just looked here about two hours ago hoping for a new one. NOW THERE IS AND IT'S HILARIOUS AS ALWAYS!!! :DDD
~mrow~ - Aaron13 Apr '11
- Kaze13 Apr '11
Gotta know what happens next. :o The mystery continues...
- kangarooster13 Apr '11
The plot thickens! O:
- Paul13 Apr '11
And the cat poops out more beans!
- jneeny13 Apr '11
ahhhh but what's inside the cat?
- Grunion13 Apr '11
Can I trade a cow for one?
- Blue13 Apr '11
As long as there is not a Li inside the cat I guess we're all safe.... for now.... Wonderful comic, just as usual.
- Bety13 Apr '11
Science is amazing, isn't it ? (:
Awesome comic !! - Lisa13 Apr '11
- LE GASP- Of course! A cat, why didn't I think of it before!
- Christine13 Apr '11
A pocket-sized Shoelace! I want one!
- Nikki13 Apr '11
Inception!!! BWAAAAAHHHHHH!!!
- Myron14 Apr '11
we must conduct some experiments :D
- kleer00114 Apr '11
Your lyricism is sublime.
Your humor multi-threaded.
I never know which way you'll go,
But I'll go where you are headed.
Li 4 President!!! - Sarah14 Apr '11
Clearly, the cat is full of tiny beans. It's secretly a cat-tree seed.
- LF Braley14 Apr '11
Li for president?! What an idea; a crazy, mad wonderful idea =)
. . . Li, if you get elected, can I be your Hatter? =P - Sierra14 Apr '11
I need a little card that says Science to keep with me at all times
- Ferrard14 Apr '11
Yes... "Mrow." "Mrow," indeed...
- Anonymous Coward14 Apr '11
Ahhh Li - I hate you for that mouseover!
In case some of you don't have a bad music memory - enjoy the chorus:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llyiQ4I-mcQ - Soviet14 Apr '11
Are those slightly altered Freezepop Lyrics in your alt text?
- Scatman Dan14 Apr '11
Cat cat cat cat, I want you in my hat...
- Andrew14 Apr '11
I just found your comic through a friend and marathoned the whole thing from the beginning in a couple hours. I am now hooked.
Also, SCIENCE! - MIke14 Apr '11
- Brad14 Apr '11
But where did the bean come from?
- Shinta14 Apr '11
But...but...I thought cats grew on trees!
- Larissa14 Apr '11
Matrioshka beans!
- DoMaya14 Apr '11
We need to go deeper.
- Fermata14 Apr '11
Beans beans are good for your heart
the more you eat the more you fart
the more you fart the better you feel
so eat those beans at every meal
... sorry I just had a moment. - Colleen14 Apr '11
haha, oh how I adore your comics... - Julie14 Apr '11
So I was watching The BIggest Loser today and they went to Auckalnd, NZ as part of the show and I was like OIHSFOHWQFIJQW THAT'S WHERE LI IS, I'M SO JEALOUS. ...and that's my story.
- Matt14 Apr '11
- Jesse14 Apr '11
and inside that cat is the answer to life. QUICK! TO THE LAXATIVES!
- Wadester15 Apr '11
Reminds me of those nesting Russian dolls...
- archivis15 Apr '11
i want magical nesting cat bean beans!
- Snip3rM00n16 Apr '11
So this is the seed of a Shoelace tree.
- Stina16 Apr '11
As a side note - what makes a melonball bounce?
- Jacob W.16 Apr '11
I gotta say, I love this comic. Great job. The artwork and jokes are wonderful. I love it! Thanks for the smiles and giggles. :)
- Noelle17 Apr '11
This comic series makes my head explode with cuteness. I <3 it so much.
- Markoh18 Apr '11
- Jace18 Apr '11
If you go down far enough, do you get to atomic beans?
We could use them to build a nuclear-powered atomic bean machine...
SCIENCE! - Mooj18 Apr '11
I LOVE YOUR COMICS! I LOVE YOU! I WANT TO STEAL YOU AND HIDE YOU UNDER MY BED AND HOARD ALL THE AWESOME FOR MYSELF. Ok, not really. Not at all. But I do wish every day that there would magically be another comic for me to be amazed at.
And, Stina. Sprite is what you're looking for. Sprite makes the melon ball bounce. It's the icy-tart taste of Sprite. - Melissa18 Apr '11
I am a new fan of your comics. HI! These are amazing! :D
- HumbleBumbleBee18 Apr '11
Found this via Reddit and just spent the day sporadically and sequentially looking at all your comics and now I'm back at the beginning! Well, the end, really, but you know what I mean. I love it and also love that you usually update at set intervals. Looked through your portfolio and all, good luck! You deserve a great gig :)
Also, this is the basic story of my boyfriend and I, which is part of why it tickles my pickle so much. You guys are adorable! Heh..hehehe :P - Erin19 Apr '11
Hi there! I just stumbled your website and fell in love with it. (I'm convinced your relationship with Jordan sincerely mirrors mine with my boyfriend...and I love cats, well all animals really...) I love your artwork and the humor within each comic - you have really nice stuff and are genuinely talented! Keep up the amazing work! I look forward to every future update :)
-Erin - Tina19 Apr '11
I thought inside the cat would be a tinyyyy mustache. .....the mystery does indeed Thick
- Ecchin19 Apr '11
Open up the cat in half... there's two beans inside it.
- crystalrose20 Apr '11
:3 oh my gosh~~~
- Allen20 Apr '11
- bob21 Apr '11
um, is this a joke about atoms being made of ... and ... being made of quarks?
or not? - Vanessa Salas28 Apr '11
I have started saying "The mystery thicks" a lot lately.
And then people ask, "Don't you mean 'thickens?'".
It's fantastic. - Tom3 May '11
Please.... please make a t-shirt with just the last panel of this comic.
- Dainty8 May '11
That is way too adorable <3
- Boom27 Jun '11
Your alt text is a reference to the venga boys or something? boom boom boom boom, i want you in my room X3
- downer14 Aug '11
mindless cute lovers like this and no one else.
- Koala Sensei19 Sep '11
I LOLd so hard at the Venga Boys reference Alt-text! bahahaha
- Trobby10 Nov '11
I suspect that the bean was an imposter all along.
- joel6 Dec '13
I may need to start saying "the mystery thicks" now.