- Li27 Oct '10
It’s true, you know.
- Yohan27 Oct '10
And then I found 5 bucks.
- Emily Marie Case27 Oct '10
I have the SAME problem! Haha I love your comics, every Wednesday I jump up and go see what new comic you've thought up this week :D
- Ty27 Oct '10
Hey, the site updated while I read all the comics from the start! Great stuff Li.
- Kyle27 Oct '10
Sounds like a completely true story to me.
- elaine27 Oct '10
can i have like ten thousand of ur babies li?
- Josh27 Oct '10
amazing Li! I love this ^_^
- SuitCase27 Oct '10
I think I understand this. It is a very good strip.
- Anjli27 Oct '10
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! completely love this!
- Originality_is_Dead27 Oct '10
- Kjeld28 Oct '10
I don't necessarily wan't your baby, I just want to be loved by you.
You are sooo awesome. - Vrash28 Oct '10
Er... but then didn't you kill all the people who already had their hair on fire?... after all, with the volcano gone, the lava would just flood the place from ground level... :D
Still, awesome Super Li-Lace! - Ferrard28 Oct '10
Silly Vrash - obviously the supersonic act of punching the volcano into space created a sudden vacuum that sucked up all the lava and blew -it- into space as well. That same vacuum created a momentary vortex of wind that both extinguished everyone and knocked them out with temporary amnesia, which is why no one remember this happening.
~ Ferrard - Greg28 Oct '10
I feel like you should have video playing for the eyes in frame 3 with shiny eyes.
- Becca28 Oct '10
...And then they cried.
- Crissy28 Oct '10
I totally love you. :D
- Omicron28 Oct '10
Well, we all knew you were awesome Li!
- Amanda28 Oct '10
:D epic!
- Dai28 Oct '10
And then a skeleton popped out.
- Cromley28 Oct '10
Oh, I see.
In that case, thank you, Li! - Jennifer28 Oct '10
OMG THE DATE IS IN THE FUTURE. you are so awesome li that time bends for you
- Frye28 Oct '10
And everyone that was on fire, burned. Bwhahaha.
- silverwood28 Oct '10
I love your comics Li, you are a great artist and you give me something to look forward to each week! Keep up the great work!
- Eli28 Oct '10
I would LOVE to see a cartoon made out of your comics :D
- wonderjack28 Oct '10
Awesomeness!!!! You are the best, Li!
- Steve28 Oct '10
Li... I actually DID have your baby. And it punches baby volcanoes straight into space.
- Finn&Jake28 Oct '10
well can you punch puppies into space li? huh?
I didn't think so.... - Heather28 Oct '10
Awesomeee!!!! I have really grown attached to your comics, Li. It's the first thing I do on Wednesday mornings... =p they are adorable!!!
- Hiro28 Oct '10
Gosh so mean Li. What did the mountain do to you? D:
- Dusty66828 Oct '10
Bill was there too.
- shiNIN28 Oct '10
I'm in love with your comics since the day I know them but now... I can't even find words.
whoa. - archivis29 Oct '10
- swb29 Oct '10
Yeah, I was thinking cartoon too. Your comics are taking on an animated quality.
- Erin P29 Oct '10
My friend sent me this through stumble and i just sat here for two hours reading all of your web comics. I love the evolution of the drawings and the hilarity that ensues.
- Matt29 Oct '10
why is no on mkeing anhy speelling mistkesd llsa hjd jiddt kcm.?
- Casey30 Oct '10
Omg. Stumbled upon this website... and now, 152 comics later... I'm a fan ^_^
- shawn30 Oct '10
she always says that
- Pete31 Oct '10
Yay!! So awesome
- Virginie31 Oct '10
Don't justify yourself, we know it's true !
- Elia31 Oct '10
Story of my life....
- Soop1 Nov '10
Yay <33
- Pandolly1 Nov '10
This might quite possibly be the best thing ever.
- bakedpotatoes2 Nov '10
I came here from AbstruseGoose. Now, nearly an hour later I'm up to date.
Calculus study? What? Oh. :( - JesterRaiin3 Nov '10
Umm, Lin, dear is this just a coincidence :
??? ;)
Also, this story seems a little too fantastic. There are no 5 pointed stars. I am sure of it !!! :) - Artanis1865 Nov '10
omg Li you are so cool, I wanna have your babies!
- Jimmy5 Nov '10
Your comics are so cute, and your commenters are equally cute, and polite to boot. This can't be the internet.
- Selina9 Nov '10
O this made me laugh so friggin hard!
This might be the best comic evar. - Noelle27 Nov '10
Was it the Volcano that blasted Pompeii? Because that was actually just a bunch of ancient fire alien. . .things U_U
- Milander3 Dec '10
" and I was, like... No! " - Hahahahahaha, lol
- Elli5 Dec '10
Just wait, don't mate!!! :D
- Kristen13 Dec '10
So my boyfriend was trying to cheer me up and showed me this, so I was like "OMG I LOVE YOU" so i read all the comics. I'll be checking from now on.
- Monica15 Dec '10
This is just so fantastic!
- Chip15 Dec '10
So, I stumbled upon this, I then proceeded to look at every other comic :) I am now going to go and look at all the downloads available... :) LOVE your work :D
- Nathan22 Dec '10
My girlfriend and I have dedicated this our favorite comic. Once upon a time I also showed her this panel to cheer her up. Her name, coincidentally, is Christen. Your work is wonderful, and we enjoy it regularly. On a side note you've captured our relationship beautifully, which is, more than anything, a little eery.
- Michelle5 Jan '11
omg I love your work! This has to be my favorite :D
- Melissa6 Jan '11
Hahaha, I was at work while I stumbled upon this. I read this one and went, OMG this is something I would do and say. ^_^ I love your comics. You got yourself a FAN.
- Funmi7 Jan '11
- T7 Jan '11
OMG I LOVE LI! hahaha reminds me of me....of me of me of me.......of me =]
- Shawnaaa9 Jan '11
@Kristen I believe that guy said his girlfriend's name was "Christen"...
- Simone1 Feb '11
I love this one!
- Sarah28 Mar '11
I laughed very hard at this one! :D
- Julie19 May '11
ZOMG! This one's great! LOVE IT!
- Brok3n Doll14 Jun '11
Li, you're the coolest, cooler than ice cool!!
XD - Jelly-being8 Sep '11
My favorite by far! =]
- Katifer5 Nov '11
Damn it! So that's where all our volcanoes have been going! I thought that the Auckland skyline looked a little empty...
- Trobby10 Nov '11
I hope the volcano is happy in space. :( Poor Mister Volcano.
- Mieya27 Aug '12
You are just too precious
- Anthony1 Aug '14
That's right. No one can have Li's babies but Li! :)