- Li25 Mar '10
Hello everyone! Sorry about the lack of updates lately - moving house proved to be more stressful than I thought :/ But it doesn’t matter because….. IT’S MAH BIRTHDAY!! :D
- sigbhu25 Mar '10
you easily have the weirdest birthday requests. happy birthday!
- Tim25 Mar '10
happy birthday! also, i too have always had that as a present wish. But id use it in place of a bug zapper. Set a few mini machine guns on a log in a pond and reenact the battle of midway with mosquitoes!
- Sam Shackelford25 Mar '10
Happy Birthday Li! I hope it is wonderful! :o)
- Jörn Zaefferer25 Mar '10
How about a mini portal gun, for teleporting mini zombies to...
- Kitty25 Mar '10
happy birthday li! i'll look into finding that gatling gun <3
- Isanne25 Mar '10
Happy birthday!
How about a mini-chainsaw? More classic. But I have to admit that the tiny gun has more charm. - maggie25 Mar '10
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day and er, get your birthday gift wish~ ;]
- cos25 Mar '10
Granted. It's in your mail. Careful not to lose it, though. It is very small.
Happy birthday! - Loboguy25 Mar '10
^_^ - Tim Dawson25 Mar '10
happy birthday! there may be birthday pork cracklings tonight.
maybe. - Yenny25 Mar '10
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaapy Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirthday Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
I wish for you to finish with the house moving soon :D - acce24525 Mar '10
- Thomas25 Mar '10
Happy birthday! :)
- Ocdar26 Mar '10
After a job well done, will you hug her and tell her "You did well" in a Russian accent?
- Soop26 Mar '10
HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Matching pew pew guns for all :)!
- Tobi26 Mar '10
Happy Birthday, Li! :)
Have a sandvich! :D - Josh26 Mar '10
@Ocdar Came looking for a TF2 reference; was not disappointed. Although I hardly thing 'tiny' would be an adequate description of Sasha.
@Li Happy birthday! - Lord Kap26 Mar '10
Happy birthday! ;)
- Kent26 Mar '10
Happy Birthday!
And...is this a reference to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9XyFeW5KPg ? - Ross26 Mar '10
Happy Birthday! Who knew Gatling guns could be cute?!
- Nojh26 Mar '10
Happy day of your birthing Li!
Tiny Gatling gun? That is brilliant! You know our defense forces have always assumed we'd be up against full human sized zombies but never have we considered miniature space zombies. You may have just saved us all Li. Congratulations! - ErinJade26 Mar '10
Happy Birthday!
It is also my brother's birthday and my good friend's birthday, this is a popular day for being born! - wynjdl jones26 Mar '10
Happy Birfday Li! I hope you get what you asked for!
- Russ26 Mar '10
Happy birthday! Mine's tomorrow :D
- Tad26 Mar '10
Happy birthday! I hope you get that tiny tiny gatling gun.
- kaellinn1827 Mar '10
What did you do with the tiny tiny Gatling gun I got you last year? This is why you can't have nice things!!
- Kurz Weber27 Mar '10
Hope you had an awesome Birthday! ^^ You're Amazing Li!
- Jiggybean28 Mar '10
Happy Birthday! I love your comic, it's away too cute.
- eronth6 Apr '10
You ... are heavy weapons gal.
Who touched Sasha!? - imnotcute!17 Apr '10
I remember a Sasha the Minigun from Fallout 3, or was it Suzie?
- Marahumm24 May '10
"Who touched Sasha...? WHO TOUCHED MY GUN!?!?!"
- godofgrunts6 Jun '10
Did you just include three awesome games into one birthday request?
<3 - Dr. Sakuya, PhD18 Jun '10
- Sulta25 Jul '10
...but Sasha is a male name...
- steve14 Aug '10
TF2 reference for the win!! :)
- abi22 Aug '10
heeeeeey sasha is the naame of the little seahorse in "help! I'm a fish!" the movie! "I will name her sasha! XD
- Sasha Kasoff5 Nov '10
I am reading through all your comics in order, this is the first one i've commented on however - why you may ask? BECAUSE I AM A TINY LITTLE GUN FOR SHOOTING TINY LITTLE ZOMBIES WITH!!!! Awesome =)
- Thomas25 Dec '10
Did anyone else get the tf2 reference here?
- שף בבית13 Jul '11
hahaha very cute pictures.
- Sasha15 Jul '11
My name is Sasha. (IRL)
Why do people keep touching me :S
x - Sierra31 Jul '11
Put this comic in my blog! I gave you full credit of course. ;)
http://sierraapril.tumblr.com/post/8294201925/this-is-how-my-mind-works-occasionally-c-extra - Cullen4 Aug '11
My birthday is four days before yours!
- Benjamin11 Aug '11
- Bwright816 Nov '11
I don't know if you've found any yet, but here a link to a couple smallish Gatling guns.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&v=LHeCLmV-nPM&NR=1 - Trobby10 Nov '11
All I could find was this huge gatling gun. :( So I shrunked it down. I hope it's still good!
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b244/Introbulus/TinyGatlingGun.png - Lukas12 Sep '13
Only thing I could think off as you said you want to call the Minigun Natasha was:
WHO TOUCHED MY GUN?! - Jesse19 Oct '13
*in Russian accent*an-WHO TOUCHED SASHA